Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Happy Unbirthday to me!

Last day of school!!!!!! I can't wait to get home!!! Snuggle with my pillow, be on my bed all day long and watching all the movies that I've downloaded in the past 2 months!!!! 

I've hand in my assignment just now! It was frustrating but well.. I've done my best :) I hope my hard work in the past 4 days would be worth it! :D

BTW, last Saturday, there was an activities conduct for our department. It was not really exciting as we all hope. Mostly all the students were so.. distance.. even the tutor =.=' its seems like only our group were so alive and energetic on that day which is so surprising -.- The other groups and tutor were busy with their own things and foods :/ Whenever there's a game, only the representatives from each groups and few of them participate -.- but, our group have so much fun that day where most of us got sunburn LOL

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