Friday, October 14, 2011

All we need is time

I really2 need to change my blogskin ASAP!!!!!! Its frustrating!! The font is too difficult to read!!! :'( The problem is, I don't have any free time for now as changing blogskin always took me forever :( 

Its 2.00 am now, 

"Nothing good ever happens after 2 a.m."  

-Marshall Eriksen, HIMYM, S1E18.

so, I'll make it quick then. LOL.

The raya celebration was a bit ok too. Foods, musics, decoration. There was also a contest for the best dress for both male and female, lucky draw, best booth and performances by the students. 

 The fish deparment's booth.

(Below and above): The agriculture science's booth.
They won the best booth contest!

General studies and the administration's booth

Performance made by the students. 

 Above shows some of the decoration from the agriculture department's booth.

Okay... I'm out of energy :/ need to sleep now. Baibai.

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