Sunday, January 23, 2011

Things Will Never Be The Same

"It took him 67 days and one really disgusting batch of pancakes.

But Marshall had come back from the dead. Because, while baseball, strippers and guns can help, the only thing that can really heal a broken heart is time."
- Ted Mosby, HIMYM, Season 2 Episode 1.

As we grow old, everything around us keep changing. The change is obvious once you're being far apart for some time. It's difficult to keep things stay forever. You must work hard so that that somethings will always stay in your life the way you want it.

Currently, 3 of my close friends are having problems with their relationship and they're still mourning about it. Its difficult for me to handle them all as its 1:3. =.=' They loss their appetite, they don't concentrate on their studies, they're wasting their time! They is no use for me to keep telling them to move on =.=' When I remember the episode of HIMYM, when Marshall was left by Lily, it gave me the idea. Let them be... One day, they'll get over it :)

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