Thursday, December 23, 2010

Snap! Snap! Snap! Let's Go Craayyyzeeee


I'm still at my girlfriend's place. Now we're complete!! :D my another girlfriend came early in the morning today and she'll stay till dinner :D love, love, love it :D

These are what we had for brunch!!! 

Soft drinks for brunch :s youngster nowadays... tsk..tsk..tsk :p

BTW, let me introduce u with me sweet lappy :D 

My other girlfriend who came early in the morning took this picture!! -.-

Here we are :D 

This is the time when we did a little shopping to complete the stock for our brunch and dinner. 

Our plan is to eat spag for lunch... but2 ... we're still full :s We also plan to have cocktail + ice cream for dinner T___T im suppose to diet LOL :p

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